Bandwidth to Support Convergence
Convergence means combining or converging voice, data and video
onto a single network. Enterprises usually need to expand their
LAN bandwidth and set up a QoS or Quality of Service priority
system to give priority to real-time streams such as telephone
calls or video conference feeds, which are more sensitive to network
delays than data transfers. Most often, the common protocol for
convergence is IP.
What Does Fully Meshed Mean?
MPLS networks that are described as fully meshed offer any-to-any connections within the cloud network. You specify the desired connectivity between locations to the network service provider.
Why Buy MPLS Service?
Since the cloud is a private network, you have the advantage of a carefully managed service that gives you the quality you want. Since the network is shared among many users, your cost is much lower than trying to run your own private meshed network.
How Does Label Switching Work?
Label switching technology tags the input packets with their source, destination and quality of service requirements. Tag switches or label routers then efficiently get that packet to its destination intact.
Why is QoS Important?
MPLS service providers offer QoS or quality of service to meet your business needs. That ensures that VoIP telephone and video streaming will get the bandwidth, latency and jitter characteristics they need for optimum performance.