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MPLS Networks Today

July 27, 2024
9:27 AM
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Compare MPLS vs The Internet
Take a quick look to see the merits and limitations of MPLS networks as compared with the Internet and dedicated private lines.

Transparent LAN Service
VPLS is sometimes called Transparent LAN service. That’s because WAN communications moves from level 3 to level 2. Your connection to the network is via a managed edge switch that is provided by the network operator. The inherent broadcast nature of Ethernet is preserved, creating a “plug and play” environment as new services are added to the network and discovered by other members connected to the VPLS.

Advantages of Managed MPLS WAN
By turning your WAN network operations over to a MPLS networking carrier, you unload the burden of constant monitoring and network management and you’ll also likely realize a significant cost savings.

MPLS Network Service Pricing
Get the best pricing on MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) Networks and Managed SD-WAN as a Service networks for secure VPN, converged voice, video and data, low latency and fully meshed wide area multipoint connections with regional, national and international service footprints. Last mile connectivity options include T1, DS3, OCx SONET, DOCSIS Cable Broadband, Carrier Ethernet over copper and fiber optic private lines plus dedicated cloud connections. Find out what network services and pricing are available now for your commercial business building anywhere in the U.S. Simply use this handy form...


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