What is Ethernet over Copper Access?
Ethernet over Copper, or EoC, uses copper transmission lines rather
that fiber optics. By using a proprietary modulation scheme, existing copper telco pair can be bonded to transport Ethernet bandwidths from 3 to 50 Mbps.
What Does Fully Converged Mean?
MPLS networks that are described as fully converged ensure that voice, video and data packets can co-exist without interference. This is done by managing class of service and bandwidth on the network.
When Should You Use VPLS?
VPLS might be the right service for your company or organization if you need to connect anywhere from a few to a few dozen locations as if they were on a single Local Area Network. Advantages of this approach, compared to a private network arrangement with individual point to point connections back to headquarters, include lower latency, higher efficiency, and lower cost... perhaps much lower cost.
What is Latency?
It is the time delay in the network. In other words, how long it takes to get a packet from node to node. The lower limit is set by the speed of light, which equates to 1 msec per 186 miles in a vacuum.
MPLS Network Configurations
The MPLS network can be thought of as a cloud that is accessible from many locations. Your service can be set up for a single point to point connection, a hub and spoke replacement for central offices serving many remote locations, or a fully meshed network where any site can communicate with any other site.